One upon a time it was sufficient to have a website which promoted online business, today much more is needed to create an impact in the online business community which has lead to greater competition and the need for newer techniques in social media marketing. Social media marketing experts will tell you that it is vital to continuously promote your site, your products and services, through the use techniques such as article submission.
There are countless ways to promote online success, why is article submission important?
Article submission
Is a process which refers to the submitting of article directories so that you can get hyperlinks from other websites who are happy to publish your content.  It is cost effective when used as a way to increase your links and when used to enhance your chances of appearing at the top of a search engine’s results page.
There are a vast amount of article directory sites, or submission sites which publish articles that have been written by SEO copywriters on various topics. They are categorised with each category having within it hundreds of articles posted under each title. Those pages which are unique and which contain keyword-rich content end up at the top of the list and generate more traffic than those that scrape by with copied content or little content.
Whether an article is intended for corporate or smaller concerns, they all need to be written by SEO copywriters who possess SEO techniques and technical abilities that will increase the chance of them appearing high up on a results page.
Start at the website designing stage
Design a website must take SEO into account. So set up your page content in order to make sure that the most important parts of the article come first in the HTML coding.
Search engines have little spiders that continuously crawl around your HTML, reading it in the order that it is presented on the page. Some give higher priority to text that appears toward the beginning of the document, while some don’t. The reason they do this is because they don’t have human instincts and cannot recognise what bits of the page are important or relevant to your site.
In view of this it makes perfect sense to put your most important content first in the HTML. Navigation comes after your main content. The closer you can get your content to the <body> tag, the higher the priority it will be accorded by the search engine. Most layouts present a problem with getting content first, especially where columns are concerned.
Try floating your layouts instead. This one of the easiest ways to create a layout that allows your content to come first while the navigation column can be wherever you want it to be, left or right. It is simple process of placing your navigation in the second division of your HTML and letting it float to the left.
SEO friendly content
This is not difficult; it is simply content which has been written with at least some attention having being given to how a search engine might view it. However, content is always about how people see it. If you are faced with a choice of having to write articles which are good for either a search engine or for a person, choose the one that is good for the reader.