Considered a cheaper version of online marketing, social networking is fast becoming recognised as a valuable tool for gaining exposure for a website, it needs to be done correctly if you want conduct SEO and the easiest way to accomplish this is through your profile.
Driving traffic to a website and keeping their attention once there is imperative and relies on creating and maintaining a unique profile, especially in a niche market where your product is competing against other similar products, standing out will help give you an edge. Social networking can put you ahead in the race.
Being social entails what it implies, being social. Actively promoting your website may entail posting Blogs, writing for forums and a constantly changing profile.
Social Networking will only work if you take an active part in it, listen to what is being said about you, your products, services, your site, your staff and anything else being said about your. You should also be aware of any news items that are circulating about you.
You can even use Google Alerts to inform you when something comes up about your site. The reason you would be get involved actively in Social Networking is to use the information gained to you advantage, if you don’t then it is an opportunity lost.
Combining Social Networking and SEO
SEO entails generating traffic to your site and then converting them into customers, or users. If you site is ranked highly by a search engine you will most likely get more visitors and it entails not only HTML coding and keywords but also understanding what people are looking for.
Many online businesses prefer to combine Social Networking and SEO as a website sitting quietly on its own will not generate traffic, and while Social Networking can be financially viable and useful but it can only help as far as getting the word out about your site. SEO on the other hand needs to optimise your site so that it provides keywords or keyword phrases that match those that people are using in their searches. This is what draws them into your site.
Combining Social Networking and SEO provides visitors with a clear understanding about what your site is about once they land there. Social Networking on the other hand has the power to educate or inform visitors what your site, product or services are all about before they even see it. If you have a profile that is exceptional, many won’t forget it quickly and will follow it to see where it leads them.
Yet the most important aspect of combining SEO and Social Networking means that at the end of the day your profits increase, the more exposure you get for your site the greater the volume of traffic and the more visitors are aware of what your site is about, the better the quality of visitors to your site, so you wont have to worry about trying to convert sales from people who accily stumble across you.
This blog was written over 6 months ago and Internet Marketing and SEO is an always changing industry which means the information within this blog may be out of date. Use caution when using any methods or suggestions within it.