Incorporating web analytics with SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a marketing feat that involves designing a website in such a manner that it will enable the search engine to give it a high ranking position and, therefore, immediate exposure to potential customers or visitors.

This skill requires detailed knowledge of how to structure and use specific keywords of the website that will prompt the search engine to easily recognize it and place it among the preferred top ten positions of the rankings. It is a fact that browsers are more likely to check out the first ten websites for the required information before moving on to further down the list. Because of this fact, skilled web marketing design is vital for advertising a business that will attract the highest number of customers. As the main objective of any business is to improve its ROI (Return on investment), the marketing structure needs to be in place to produce positive results.

Analyzing customer behavior

Web analytics is a detailed analysis of a customer’s or visitor’s behaviour on a website. Through this analysis, objective decisions can be made about the website as the results will indicate whether the website design meets the business requirements. The study involves tracking how each customer or visitor behaves while browsing the website.  See how we helped HelloGuest UK achieve a 193% increase in conversion numbers through analysing data and making the right UX improvements.

  • Each event is noted and recorded. Eventually, a quantitative report is produced, which will give the marketer an accurate overall picture of the business and the website’s performance.

Guaranteeing Success

SEO marketing involves increasing traffic to a website through processors that are either natural or algorithmic. More. Web analytics not only depicts the number of visitors to the site but also reflects the length of time each one spent on the site and on each page. Any event on the page will be reflected on the analysis report. This helps analyse what needs to occur to ensure increased and faster conversions. This is one reason why incorporating web analytics with SEO can produce a positive result.

As the SEO targets various types of searches which include image (an informational retrieving system that searches for images, pictures and animations); local search (information on any particular person or place as well as where to locate such person, building or items) and vertical search that is specifically related to the industrial section. Vertical search engines target a particular section or ‘slices’ of specific topics. SEO extensively uses web crawlers to obtain information regarding the website’s performance. The crawlers recorded the web pages that have been visited and later used by the SEO in an analysis report. When website analytics is incorporated into the SEO, all the details regarding trafficking can be reviewed monthly.


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